Beauty And Health Topics



September 14, 2010

Some Rules That You Can Follow As You Make Your Own Best Man’s Speech

Filed under: Beauty and Health — Author @ 3:35 pm


The best man’s speech is an important part of the big day. And, as someone entrusted with all that responsibility, it is quite understandable that you might be a little worried about what’s in front of you! Here are a few quick tips and strategies to help you along the way.


Giving the Toast

Keep in mind that the best man wedding speech always ends with a toast. So first, everyone should have a drink; especially the bride and groom, and also yourself. When you give your best man toast, raise the glass with your right hand, and begin the toast.


Keep Everything As Simple As You Can

The best rule to follow for your own speech is to keep things as simple as possible. You do not want anything to drag on, and you do not want to divert any attention away from the bride and groom as well. Three minutes is a good length for a speech. Always keep in mind that nobody wants to get bored through the speech. Therefore, no matter how many interesting stories you may want or have to tell, stick to just a couple and make sure your speech is not that long.


Remember to Smile

When you are actually giving the speech, speak loudly and clearly to make sure people listen to what you’re saying. But also remember to smile, because this one is a happy day. Connect with the audience through eye contact, and make sure everyone is enjoying themselves.


Keep Jokes Clean

Jokes are usually a part of a best man speech, but keep them as clean as possible. Also try to make sure they are funny – be yourself and do not try to be somebody you’re not. If you need a little guidance then check out some speech joke examples that can be found online.


You Can Be Sentimental Too

If there was any day where sentimentality was allowed then it is at your best friend’s wedding. There is nothing wrong with showing the couple just how happy you are that they have got married.


I know that the best man’s speech can be a little scary, but if you rehearse it ahead of time and know what is expected of you, then this will be able to help you to calm your nerves. You can also take a look at some wedding speech examples if you really need some help thinking of what to say. Just keep all of these in mind and you will be well on the way to coming up with the best wedding speech. As long as you make sure you prepare and practice the speech well in advance, then everything will be okay!


Great Tips That You Can Follow In Making Your Own Funny Best Man Wedding Speech

Filed under: Beauty and Health — Author @ 2:58 pm


Funny best man speeches are the type of speeches that everybody recalls from a wedding day : folks look forward to them and like to giggle for a couple of minutes. But it can be hard coming up with the ideal best man wedding speech, and is the reason why I have put together 5 top pointers on the way to do it. Before I am getting started I need to remind you funny best man speeches are NOT meant to be vulgar. You have to keep in mind that relatives of every age will be there, and you do not need to piss off any person with your jokes. Now onto the tips.


1) Stand Up While You Speak

This just about does not need to be said, but it is vital that you are standing as you give the speech. Make sure you have everybody’s attention prior to starting when you stand up, folks will begin to quiet down.


2) Plan In Advance

Plan ahead and never try and just come up with a speech on the spot it just will not work. The best man’s speech is important, so try and start to work on it at least a couple of weeks before the wedding.


3) Keep On Practicing

It can be frightening talking in public, but the more that you practice your speech the more assured you will feel. And you won’t have to look down at your notes as frequently.


4) Do Not Make It Too Long

The best speeches are fast: they’re emotional but they don’t ramble on. Remember the day is about the bride and groom and not about you.


5) Keep It Clean

Like I said before, this is not the time to be rude or to bring up any wild offensive stories about you and the groom. You don’t want to upset the bride and groom. You only need to tell stories that will make them both happy. Keep in mind that funny best man speeches don’t need to be rude or long to have an effect!


Free best man speeches can actually help to get your creative energies flowing if you are feeling a bit stuck. If you are feeling especially twitchy about getting up there and talking in front of a large amount of folks, then a short and sweet toast may be for you. These are some free best man speech examples of that nature.


  1. Today we are here to celebrate all of the good you have found in each other: a lover, a best buddy, a playmate, a teacher, and a partner for life. Cheers!

  1. If things get hard, just remember how contented you were on this day, and always see each other how you see one another at this time. Best wishes to the bride and the groom!

  2. To love, laughter and a very content ever after!
  3. If you can find humor in whatever occurs in life, your lives will be full of joy. Congratulations!

  4. May your closeness and love grow each day you are together.
  5. As you proceed through life, remember that being together makes everything worth it. Congratulations!


Use these free best man speeches either for a quick toast or as an addition to the toast you are already writing. Keep all of these tips in mind, and you’re guaranteed to come up with a great best man wedding speech!


The Different Types Of Mouth Protectors To Protect You From Grinding Teeth In Sleep

Filed under: Beauty and Health — Author @ 2:26 pm

If you have been suffering from clenching or grinding, then you have probably heard of a mouth guard for grinding teeth in sleep. A mouth guard is simply a covering worn over your teeth and this will be able to help you in protecting them from damage when you start grinding your teeth at night when you are asleep.


The main types of mouth guard for grinding teeth are Stock Mouth Protectors, Boil and Bite, and the Custom Fitted mouth guards. Here are the descriptions of the following types of mouth guard.



  1. Stock Mouth Protectors: Stock Mouth Protectorscome ready to wear and are the least expensive form of mouth guard. They can be bought from sports stores an department stores, but the problem is that they aren’t adjusted to fit you specifically. For this reason they can make it difficult to breathe and talk properly, and don’t actually protect your teeth well. Dentists do not recommend that you use this kind of mouth guard.


  1. Boil and Bite: These kind of mouth guards are also available to buy from sports stores and can fit a little better. You put it into hot water where it softens, when you then place it on your teeth to mold it. This can help it to fit better and be more comfortable.


  1. Custom Fitted Mouth Guards: These kinds of mouth guards are individually designed by dentists and professionals. They base it on an impression of your teeth and the mouth guard is then molded from that. These mouth guards are far more expensive due to their custom nature, but are the most effective type of mouth guard that you can have.



You should always go to your dentist if you are looking for a mouthguard for grinding teeth in sleep, as they will let you know which type is best for you. However, the truth is that a mouth guard is not going to solve your teeth grinding. For this, the best way to treat it is to get to the root and stop it at the same time: some people find that if they do not, they simply bite through the mouth guard. If you are looking for more information on natural treatments then I recommend the Bruxism Guide that can be found on the world wide web.

Info On Teeth Grinding In Sleep: The Causes Of Bruxism

Filed under: Beauty and Health — Author @ 2:12 pm

The causes of the condition known as bruxism or teeth grinding in sleep are not always obvious. The truth of the matter is that teeth grinding can develop for a whole number of reasons. Some of them can be of psychological origins, yet some of them are physical, and some of them are a response to some external factors or elements.


Sleep Disorder As A Cause Of Bruxism

One of the main causes why some people are having this kind of condition is sleep disorder. Studies that have been conducted by researchers have shown that many cases of bruxism also occur in people who seem to be woken in the night, suggesting a sleep disorder. Those who have Sleep Apnea are also more likely to develop this one


It Has Something To Do With The Lifestyle

Lifestyle factors also come into play when it comes to such condition. If you tend to drink a lot of alcohol or caffeine then you are more likely to suffer from teeth grinding. It is also more common in those who are fond of smoking and those individuals who take certain types of medications.


Stress and Anxiety As Contributing Factors

Stress and anxiety are also very common factors or elements in cases of bruxism. People who are stressed at work may find it harder to get a good night sleep, and as a consequence of this, they start grinding their teeth in the process. There are times also wherein people can find that their bodies are under stress through illness and so on: all contributing to conditions such as bruxism.


Whatever bruxism causes a certain individual may have, you should always talk to your doctor just to be able to make sure. They may prescribe or give you items such as a night mouth guardto help you in protecting your own teeth. However, if you would want to work on ending your teeth grinding in sleep as well as simply protecting your teeth, I would also recommend that you take a look at the Bruxism Cure Guide that can be found on the world wide web.

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