Beauty And Health Topics



December 7, 2010

Golf Physical Therapy: Golf Article On Core Stabilization Exercises

Filed under: Beauty and Health — Author @ 10:18 am

If you suspect golfers are not athletes take one look at Tiger Woods or Camilo Villegas, Annika Sorenstam or Natalie Gulbis. These current day golfers are serious athletes and their golf explicit exercise plans are serious exercising schedules. If you are a heavy golfer who wishes to improve your golf performance you must take your exercise time seriously. You can bet the top 10 golfers in the world work conscientiously and long at making strong, forceful bodies so as to challenge at the top level. If you read golf fitness articles or any alternative sources, you may see a major part to every one of their exercise plans is core stabilization and strengthening.


The golf swing is largely a rotary movement. Pretty much every body part revolves in diverse planes in the golf swing. The center of the body ( a.k.a. The “core” ) links the lower and upper bodies and when dynamic, creates an energy creating base to maximize speed and leverage. The core is made of the intestinal, lumbar, surfeit and pelvic floor muscles. Exercises that work these muscles are called core stabilization exercises.


To have the most carryover re making a forceful, dynamic golf swing, core stabilization exercises should mimic the movements and positions of the swing as much as possible-mainly into revolution. Reinforcing the core muscles won’t just increase swing power it will also protect the lumbar spine which takes a trouncing with needless revolution especially when in a forward bending position ( the golf swing ). The one injury and complaint that golfers have and see me for is pain in their lumbar region.


Core exercises are fantastic for most dynamic activities ( like living life ) but they’re especially vital for athletes collaborating in sports. The core exercises I have included below are from a golf performance class that I taught this past winter and all need engagement / contraction of the abdominals before and all through the exercise.


Single Leg Bridges : Single leg bridges increase strength in the glutes, hamstrings and low back muscles. Start with one leg on the ball and the other leg in the air, brace your abdominals by a little drawing your navel down toward your backbone and lift your hips upward exhaling as you go, hold for 1-2 seconds at the very top and slowly lower as you breathe. Touch your hips to the floor and straight away repeat.


Standing Theraband Resisted Trunk Rotation and Sidestep : This exercise increases strength in the oblique abdominals ( the prime rotators of the trunk ) and the lateral glutes ( muscles on the side of your hips which stabilize you laterally during the golf swing ) moving through the impact section. Place a loop of theraband around your ankles and grab a theraband anchored at elbow height. Engage the abdominals and at the same time revolve and sidestep to the left. Gently return to beginning position (this allows a controlled movement and you’re still exercising) and then repeat.


Swiss Ball Plank Exercise : The plank is a classic core exercise that predominantly braces your higher abdominals and your hip flexors. Start by engaging your abdominals. Place elbows on the ball with feet together and shoulders lined up vertical to your elbows. Maintain a flat back ( as an example, no arching down or up of the low back ) and either hold this position for time or consider moving the ball in small strategies including forward / back, side to side, in diagonals or in circles. The further the ball is rolled forward the harder this exercise becomes.


Performing these core stabilization exercises are much engaging and challenging than seated weight machines and do an even larger job of strengthening you for positions and movements that actually matter in daily existence and sport ( which is particularly applicable to golf ). Grab hold of one of our golf physical therapyand fitness articles which provide pointers to maximise your core strength and golfing potential.

Golf Fitness Articles: How You Can Achieve Flexibility, Strength And Balance

Filed under: Beauty and Health — Author @ 10:05 am

A golf fitness program should have a comprehensive plan to maximise your total golf performance. By improve it means your improved capability to safely make a dynamic swing that is biomechanically sound, avoiding any injury that might occur and give you the maximal distance you want with each club. A good basic golf fitness program (as well as tips from various golf fitness articles) will include exercises to boost your flexibility, strength and balance, which are quite significant in the game.



Are you flexible? Or more technically, have you were given suitable muscle length in multiple planar movements which make up the golf swing? If you are not working at it, you could be denied at how small flexibility you have. The classic anomalous planar static stretches ( 20+ seconds long held in one position ) are not the first flexibility exercises golfers should always use when trying very hard to improve their golf specific flexibility. The golf swing moves in multiple planes all simultaneously with the transverse ( rotary ) plane dominating thoughout. Golfers should so work to boost transverse plane mobility with exercises.


The stiffness of our tissues is skyrocketing with our age, so our flexibility is lessening with each year that goes by. We are nevertheless, in a position to maintain or perhaps reverse our decreasing flexibility with consistent and correct stretching methods. What I see most often when working with hurt patients and clients needing to avoid injury are muscle length impairments and imbalances in the hip and spine musculature. Frequently the disequilibrium in length can be ascribed to imbalances in strength of their opponents ( the muscles that oppose their action ). So so as to normalize length, you’ve got to also normalize strength. Too much of one and not enough of the second is a recipe for potential injury.


To make an excellent switch on the ball we wish to get division between our upper and lower body. If controlled, the separation will create power like how a spring creates energy when wound and let go. There’s maximal coil in the back swing when the rotation of the hips is sort of limited and the upper body is permitted to revolve further ( shoulder turn ). This is assisted by flexibility in the thoracic spine and shoulders. There’s maximal uncoil as the hips turn toward the ball and there’s some lag time before the upper body follows.


A rule is the shoulders should turn twice so far as the hips. So if the hips turn 40 5 degrees, ideally the shoulders should turn 90 degrees, which puts your mid-back facing the target. To make an ideal turn there must be transverse plane revolution. This happens in the hips, in the spine / ribs, in the shoulders and the neck. Gaining motion or flexibility in these areas is crucial to form an environment for a good turn on the ball. It is crucial to understand which area ( s ) you might need specific work to improve.


The golf swing doesn’t just occur in the transverse plane, however. It is also on a forward bending axis that needs length in the hamstrings ( back of the thigh ) from address thru impact and then length in the hip flexors ( front of the hip ) at the finish to avoid multiple swing faults and compensations, that might finally lead to injury.



Again we need balance between the length and the strength of our tissues. If you have a great turn as explained previously but do not possess good hip or trunk rotary strength, you could have difficulty making a strong uncoil as well as even staying stable over your feet. With a lessening in hip / trunk stability you’ll also see a rise in the amount of sway, slide, and other numerous lower body compensations that at last bring your club off plane and thus do not give you ideal ball striking capacity.


“Core strength” is a buzzword in the fitness and rehabilitation industries and has made its way into the mainstream. It is sweet to see fitness and rehabilitation pros using more core stability exercises as a bedrock for strengthening diverse other body parts. If we are not robust at the core, we won’t be as robust away from the core. Core stability helps to give us the ability to transfer power in the transition area of the golf swing-from coil to uncoil. It’ll also give us protection from wounding the low back, the commonest golf injury I see scientifically.


The core is made up of numerous muscle groups. Most critically the core is formed up of the three layers of abdominals and the lumbar paraspinal muscles but may also include the lateral hips, the gluts, and the pelvic floor. When specifically strength coaching the core for golf, it is much better try and mimic the swing as much as humanly possible. In other words use rotational movements when able like oblique crunches on a physioball, rotational lunges and wire system diagonal patterns.


A golf specific strength-training program should also include exercises for the shoulder and hip rotators. There’s a pattern here ; rotational strength is critically vital to improve power off the tee and supply protection from injury including though not restricted to rotator cuff tendonitis, tennis / golfer’s elbow, lower back pain and hip bursitis.



To stand over the golf ball and progress through the golf swing, where weight is at first balanced then transfers right in some measure and then back to the left about totally finishing with 90-95% of your weight on the left leg, a substantial amount of balance must be attained. I see lots of recreational golfers unable to finish the golf swing mostly because they cannot stand confidently on that left leg ( for right handed players ). If the body knows that it can not basically stand on one leg for any period of time, it will avoid it. And without the smooth weight shift transitions, the bio-mechanics of a good swing cannot be achieved, thus making compensations that can end up in swing faults, mishits and most likely injury.


So as to improve your capacity to transfer weight onto your finishing leg, practice at home just standing on that leg. Progress this by standing on that leg while the rest of your body revolves to the finish position and rather more so by standing on an uneven surface like a pillow or couch cushion. Functionally, when you’re practicing on the range or playing a round, try and hold your finish position for at least five seconds or until the ball returns to turf. This may make a significant difference in your capacity to confidently finish your swing, which then reinforces your consistency and power.


To enjoy this game more, use more golf specific fitness found on trusty sources like articles and others. Even a little work will increase your general fitness and will help your golf performance. It helps to have somebody trained in the biomechanics of the golf swing and in strength and conditioning to guide you thru a safe and successful program ( like the Bend physical therapy program in Oregon ).

Golf Articles: Golf Fitness Program Of Today

Filed under: Beauty and Health — Author @ 9:57 am

Golf specific fitness is not just for tour players any more. Any golfer can tune their body to improve performance by following a golf specific coaching program. Obviously the average recreational golfer does not have the money or time a tour player has to speculate in a hi tech home gym or spend ages each day working out, but a little work using tips from golf fitness articles or other trusty resources will go a great distance.


Have you seen some of the tour players recently? There are definitely more slim and trim PGA and LPGA players out there than 20 years back. Just look at Tiger Woods, Camilo Villegas, Annika Sorenstam and Natalie Gulbis. These golfers take their fitness routines seriously and they have the success to show it creates a difference.


With the coming of many technical advances in golf clobber one might believe the average handicap in the last 15-20 years would have dropped exactly. The truth is there was nominal if any change in the average US citizen golfer’s handicap. The clubs don’t swing themselves ; leading edge technology still needs a human body. The most critical piece of kit you own is your body and to maximize your golf performance potential, you need to strongly consider coaching it for golf specific movements.

A golf fitness program ought to have a variety of variables, which make an all-encompassing plan to increase your overall golf performance. When I say improve I mean your improved capability to safely make a dynamic swing that is biomechanically sound, that might avoid potential injury and give you maximal distance with each club. A sound basic golf fitness program ( like the physical therapy in Bend, Or ) will incorporate exercises to lift suppleness, strength and balance.

December 2, 2010

Web Marketing Solutions: Focusing On Traffic Increase, Upsells, SEO And Other Techniques For The Success Of Your Business

Filed under: Beauty and Health — Author @ 2:04 pm

There’s a big sales and brand building potential for any business online, so long as you know the way to promote, adapt and enhance your activity. Most online jobs are orientated towards one of the following goals : to extend brand price or awareness and to generate traffic. And all the web marketing solutions a business executive comes up with will serve 1 or both of these 2 general objectives. Not only web marketing but conventional marketing heavily relies on them. These are some extremely broad or general web marketing solutions you need to look into, such as traffic increase, upsells, SEO and others.


Traffic increase and beyond! We may say that traffic increase is a recurring theme for all businesses that operate on the web. There is not any purpose in making a domain if you do not insure good visibility and manage somehow to attract visitors. The web also gives you the proper tools and methods to form exposure for your company, and this is possible by way of all kinds of web marketing solutions.


Make a nice, easy and well implemented site to pimp your product! Make your marketing message familiar! Optimise your pages for search engines! Create backlinks and reciprocal links to lift up ranking! Explain the advantages of your products by writing knowledgeable articles and distributing them around the planet wide web. Build shopper relations with email marketing!


Many individuals forget the significance of communications and overlook some actually valuable web marketing solutions. E-mail marketing can be exceedingly effective if properly executed. It is cheap, it depends on opt-ins and it gives you the opportunity to get feedback from prospects and clients. Your messages need to be applicable for the receiver, and they have to respect and reflect the readers ‘ individualities. E-mail campaigns essentially provide valuable web marketing solutions for the necessity to increase product brand recognition not to mention the tracking capacity is unique.


You can also go for upsells which, if done correctly, will help youimprove sales of your products. Following the requirements of your financial position! The right web marketing solutions aren’t those that apply to a gigantic and general domain, but those that definitely fit your wishes and your position. Firms invest millions to build a name, yet, the Net now gives everyone the opportunity to play in the huge league. Small businesses can be just as provoking as firms apropos online presence and without spending a lot on it. Search engine techniques, banners, link sharing and low cost advertising have now opened the door to new business relations and more possibilities for every rival. Don’t blow such an opportunity! 

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